Generative AI technology, showcasing innovation, creativity, and advanced machine learning capabilities.

Generative AI

 The Revolution of Autonomous Content Creation

Business ScenarioOur ApproachBenefits

Generative AI represents a fascinating leap in the world of Artificial Intelligence, bringing forth a realm of endless creative possibilities.

Business Scenario

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been continuously evolving and Generative AI stands out as one of its most captivating applications. This groundbreaking technology has ushered in a new era of creative possibilities, where machines can not only comprehend data but also generate new content autonomously.

Generative AI is a subset of AI that involves training algorithms to produce data that resembles a given dataset. However, unlike traditional AI models that rely on pre-defined rules, Generative AI leverages complex neural networks to learn patterns and generate new content organically.

It is this ability to create new and innovative content that has opened a multitude of opportunities across various domains. From generating art and music to producing human-like text and images, Generative AI holds the potential to revolutionise several industries:

Content Generation

Creating personalised movie recommendations, generating music, or crafting interactive storytelling experiences are some examples of generating compelling content through Generative AI;

Simulation and Training

In scientific research and engineering, Generative AI plays a crucial role in simulating complex systems, enabling researchers to explore scenarios that might be challenging to achieve experimentally;

Healthcare and Drug Discovery

Generative AI has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by assisting in drug discovery, predicting patient outcomes, and generating synthetic medical images for training medical professionals;

Natural Language Processing

Language models like GPT-3 have demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating human-like text, which can be harnessed for chatbots, language translation, and code generation.

As researchers and developers continue to innovate, Generative AI is set to redefine human-machine interactions and transform industries across the globe.

Our Approach

How is Celfocus using Generative AI?

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Powered by Generative AI, Celfocus Smart Customer Support Framework is revolutionising customer service and personalising experiences. It enriches data through a set of “Generative Skills” via REST API, which can be queried in real time to fulfil different use cases.

“Generative Skills” are also developed with the principle of minimising the impact of an ever-changing Large Language Model (LLM) (the same prompt may have one answer today, and a different answer tomorrow), that is, leverage new/different LLM versions, while maintaining response coherence.

Celfocus’s framework does not stop with Generative AI – it leverages strategically enriched information to facilitate the application of advanced insight generation and state-of-the-art AI models for tasks like prediction or root cause analysis.


  • Leveraging Open AI technologies to elevate customer experience;
  • Using advanced analytics for more robust and complex use cases;
  • One smart framework for multi-channel interactions in Customer Support.
image example: Generative AI Smart Customer Care Framework

Celfocus Smart Customer Support Framework Use Cases

Below are some examples of use cases where Generative AI can be used to deliver measurable benefits and improve customer experience.

image example: Celfocus Smart Customer Support Framework Use Cases
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Case Study

Global Service Provider Voice Bot​

The customer, a Tier 1 CSP, faced a challenge that was divided into two parts:

  1. Solving the lack of manpower to analyse customer support data at scale and in real-time;
  2. Reducing customer attrition, improving agent handling time (efficiency) in both agent and chat/voice bot interactions and improving first call resolution (efficacy).

The solution delivered a virtual assistant for a global CSP with a correct identification of call intent in 70% of calls (10% more than the previous CSP tool). Co-developed by Celfocus and a Tier 1 CSP, this successful project is an example of how Generative AI can be used as an enabler and accelerator for project implementation by using state-of-the-art/off-the-shelf Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies


Improve customer experience
Increase efficiency and scalability  
Reduce costs
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