
Celfocus is a key partner in the Vodafone Analytics solution

June 30, 2022
Celfocus is a key partner in the Vodafone Analytics solution
A solution that uses Vodafone network and anonymized data to better understand the public at the Rock in Rio 2022 music festival in Lisbon.


In this year’s edition of the music festival, the Vodafone Analytics solution, was used, for the first time at a major event, to analyse data in real-time.  The solution, developed in partnership with Celfocus, reveals anonymised audience insights and interprets mobility behavioural patterns at the festival.

Celfocus’ strong partnership with Vodafone in other initiatives with mobility data has led to the development of the Data Visualization layer for the RockInRio solution, which in near real time, graphically demonstrates the value extracted from the mobility data referring to the event.

The solution allows the exploration of data, in this case with a greater focus on the geographic and mobility component, in an interactive way, with the objective of supporting decision-making processes with as much information as possible.

This solution can be applied in various contexts or sectors of activity, always in line with the available data, established objectives and target audience.

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